New Jersey Chapter Committees
Want to get involved?
Email our Chapter Administrator here!
Chapter History Committee
This committee is responsible for archiving and maintaining chapter history to chronicle the past and provide a guide for the future. The history of interior design in our state will also be referenced.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is the voice of the Chapter while reflecting the programs and standards set by ASID National. They communicate upcoming events, all chapter and committee initiatives, share information and resources and support all the stakeholders of the community – within the chapter and design industry.
They communicate the mission, “design impacts lives,” and educate the public on the value of working with an ASID designer.
They help attract new members to the chapter and retain current membership.
Community Service Committee
This committee serves as an outreach to the local community to introduce ASID and advance design. Project recommendations come from the Board, committees or the general membership and needs board approval. All members are encouraged to participate.
If you are interested in joining the Community Service Committee, please fill out the Volunteer Form HERE.
DEA (Design Excellence Awards) Committee
The Design Excellence Awards Committee organizes an ASID NJ design competition, open to all Chapter members based on the categories of the competition. In addition to overseeing the design competition, the committee plans and executes an awards gala.
IP Steering Committee
The mission of this committee is to find opportunities to connect Industry Partners with ASID designers and students.
If you are interested in joining the IP Steering Committee, please fill out the Volunteer Form HERE.
NCDIQ/Legislative Committee
NICDQ/Legislative Committee
This committee provides training opportunities to prepare for the NCIDQ exam and also promotes the value of this designation. There are Chapter scholarship dollars available for ASID NJ members who want to prepare for taking this exam. The committee will provide analytics on the success of this program.
Programs & CEUs Committee
The ASID NJ Programs Committee is dedicated to providing impactful programming to the ASID NJ community (and beyond) with information and networking opportunities between designers and Industry Partners. By developing and offering networking events, CEUs and other educational opportunities to our members, we support the ASID NJ mission to educate, empower and elevate the ASID NJ interior design community.
Student Affairs & Emerging Professionals Committee
The Student Affairs Committee & Emerging Professionals Committee maintains the lines of communication between ASID NJ with the faculty advisor and student members at their respective schools and encourages participation in Chapter activities and events. The Student Representative to the Board (SRB) is directly involved with this committee. They organize a Student and Emerging Professionals Week chock full of activities from showroom crawls to portfolio reviews, mock interviews, and a keynote.
The committee ensures that the Chapter programming is of value to Emerging Professionals. An Emerging Professional is a recent graduate or Allied member new to the profession. The Emerging Professional designation is limited to 5 years. It is encouraged for Emerging Professionals to take the NCDIQ exam.
Trade Show Committee
This committee organizes an annual Trade Show for Industry Partners to exhibit products and services for designers and students with CEUs and a prominent speaker or panel as well.